Wanna Know A Secret?
You Can EASILY Algorithm Proof Your Business 🤫
👋 Hey There!
Are you here because you're wondering if Email Marketing could work for you and your business?
I'll let you in on the secret, Email Marketing is the busy entrepreneurs best friend, all you gotta do is keep scrolling to learn how sending emails can become your Biz-Bestie!
If you're ready to unleash the power of Email Marketing, the secret sauce is inside Email Like A Boss👇
Unlock EMAIL Like a Boss
Plus get the VIP list pricing for a limited time.
FACT:  You Don't Own Your Social Media Accounts.

FACT: Instagram™ or Facebook™ Can Shut Down Tomorrow Without Warning 
👋 Hey There,

I have a couple questions for you…

👉 Are you a super busy entrepreneur, small business owner, or side hustler who is ready to work smarter and not harder?

👉 Would you love to see new payment notifications every time you check your phone?

Did you just nod your head YES and YES?

Keep reading cuz I have some amazing news for you 👇

I know you’re busy and you have GIGANTIC, LIFE CHANGING goals!


When it comes to email marketing for your business it can be so overwhelming you don’t even know where to start

Especially when it comes to learning the tech side of sending emails and creating a list…

And I hear you...

You're wondering how the heck does sending emails benefit me, as an entrepreneur...

And you've held off on starting your list because you have no clue how to write emails, stay consistent, and use the software of email marketing.

Ask yourself: Are you ready to stop worrying about "beating the algorithm" or "going viral"?
I have a question 
for you...
When the hashtags #instagramdown and #facebookdown starts trending on twitter and that little red notification pops up that says "We're sorry, something when wrong, Please try again"...

On a scale of no biggie to major freak out...

Where is your business at this very moment?
Here's the thing, Instagram™ and Facebook™ are free apps...

They can shut down, glitch, and heaven forbid, your account get hacked or deleted.

And you could have to start all over.

But you're not someone who relies on what you can't control, especially a social platforms you don't own.
If you've sitting on the sidelines, signing up for email lists, and watching your competitors use email marketing for their business, you've probably thought to yourself:

💭 How are they coming up with content for these emails?
💭 Why is this tech so challenging?
💭 I'm no writer...
💭 Oh shoot, IG down... what do I do now?

Believe me, I thought all of this and more!

But, I decided to dive right in, by starting my first email list without understanding a dang thing about email marketing.

And yes, I doubted myself, and my ability to write emails, or getting a single subscriber once I did finally write those scary AF emails...

And believe me,
I wasn't consistent at first and I definitely didn't understand how to automate my whole email marketing system.

But you don't have to go through all that.

Because I took every mistake and success that I had when creating my automated email system and put them all together in a super simple to follow format with COPY & PASTE systems that anyone, including those who don't understand tech, can follow.
You Don't Need To Have A 6-Figure Business OR Be Kylie Jenner OR Have 10k Followers To Start...
Hear me out on this...

What if you could build a loyal, highly engaged, list of email subscribers, who can't wait to see your name in their inbox?

What if you could send those subscribers emails with your offers and promotions and they ACTUALLY clicked on the links because you are actually getting seen by them, without worrying about "beating the algorithm" or going "viral"?

Results like these happen because I have created a simple, easy to use, automated system for my email marketing that gets my offers in the inbox of my perfect customers.

Think about this...
What if you could create a super simple system that gets you, your products, and business in front of your PERFECT CUSTOMERS?!?!
👉  What if you could spend less time creating content for Instagram™ because you have a system that gets you in the inbox of your perfect customers?
👉 What if you didn't have to worry about your social accounts getting hacked or shut down for no reason?
👉  What if you could stop worry about the algorithm or your content going viral to make sales?
👉  What if you could use email marketing as a way for you to be creative and connect with your niche in a new and exciting way.
👉  What if you didn't have to worry about the tech of creating your first email list?
Guess What?!?! You Can Finally Stop Saying "WHAT IF"...

Because now you can learn how to leverage the power email marketing through automated systems inside EMAIL LIKE A BOSS without worrying about your post going viral or your account getting shut down and starting from square one again.
PSST: If you're ready to use Email Marketing for your business here's your sign to join Email Like A Boss 👇

Once You Start Building Your Email List With A Strategy You'll Notice:
⚡️ Algorithm Proof Your Business
When strategically creating your automated email list that doesn't rely on the algorithm or going viral, you'll never worry about the algorithm again (cuz who has time to worry about going viral every dang day?!?!)!
🔗 More Link Clicks
Email Marketing is 10x more effect than social media to getting eyes on your sales pages... Yup. You read that right!  
💰New Customers
...yes, and I repeat... NEW CUSTOMERS will be finding you and your products all through your automated email systems.
⏰ More Time
Gone are the days of you trying to figure out exactly what to say in your emails, scrambling to write that "monthly" newsletter that we know rarely happens once a month... or trying to figure out how to send emails that actually results in sales.

OHHHHH and I saved the freakin' best part for last...

That means, no matter how large or small your following is, you (YES YOU!) can create an automated email marketing system that doesn't rely on algorithms or going viral!
Email Like a Boss is the ultimate three-step system for you, the busy entrepreneur who’s ready to automate their business without worrying about algorithms or going viral or the tech behind creating an email list.
Step 1️⃣: How to Training Videos
Step 2️⃣: Learn the Automated Systems 
Step 3️⃣: Start Sending Emails
Email Like a Boss is a simple to follow, step-by-step system that takes you from an EMAIL WRITING newbie to expert, even if you hate writing or tech scares the heck out of you!

Step 1️⃣:

Trainings that includes the "how tos" on creating and automated email system, as well as trainings on how to write emails that convert to sales.

Step 2️⃣:

How to create a weekly email without adding more work to your already busy schedule.  These automated systems will save you time while delivering incredible results!

Step 3️⃣:

The Ultimate Copy & Paste email marketing templates so that you can start sending emails TODAY.

Email Like a Boss is the quickest and easiest way to learn how to use email marketing to grow your business with an actual strategy and automated systems.
After Joining EMAIL LIKE A BOSS, You'll Be Able To:
👥 Get more visibility on your business, gain new subscribers daily, while receiving consistent payment notifications.

💰 Introduce new leads to your products or services daily from automated systems that you create once and walk your leads through their customer journey with short, to the point, emails.

📲 Connect with your subscribers in a new and exciting ways that will build your know, like, and trust factor on auto-pilot.

Save time because gone are the days of you trying to figure out exactly what to say in your emails, scrambling to write that "monthly" newsletter that we know rarely happens once a month... or trying to figure out how to send emails that actually results in sales.

🎬 Your strategy will be on point so that you’re leveraging the most powerful marketing system your business needs – even if you hate the idea of writing emails and tech scares the heck out of you.
I finally have an email newsletter that I'm proud of...
... and I no longer have to worry about the tech or behind the scenes of automating my email marketing. I have been wanting to build and email list for years and been too scared (of the tech, being consistent, or just lazy) to start.  Email Like A Boss changed all that!
- Bethany: Small Business Owner -
Email Like A Boss For The Win!
I never knew how EASY it could be to start my email list... and those copy and paste templates.  GAME CHANGER!  Even for an oldie but goodie like me, 50+ year old social seller who has always let the tech side of business stop her.  But Not Anymore!
- Angela: Social Seller -
Email Like a Boss is the ultimate three-step system for you, the busy entrepreneur who’s ready to automate their business without worrying about algorithms or going viral.


7 Steps To Starting Your Email List (value: $297)
Start your email list off right!  These 7-Steps will get you started on the path to creating your very first (or reinventing a stale) email list.


How To Write Binge Worthy Emails (value: $297)
Does the sound of writing emails make you want to throw your keyboard?  This training walks you through the DO's and DON'Ts of writing emails and what keeps your readers attention so they open your next email.


The 4 MUST-SEND Emails For Profit (value $297)
Fear of sounding salesy?  No clue what an email content pillar is?  This training walks you through the Four Pillars of Profitable Emails.  Plus, teaches you the easy process of writing emails that build your know, like, and trust factor so that your subscribers can't wait to buy from you!


How To Create An Automated Email System (value $247)
I walk you through creating an automated system for your email list.


Step-By-Step: Writing Your First Email (value $197)
Not sure how to write your first email?  This easy to follow training walks you through writing your first email plus how to add fun elements to keep your readers attention.


How To Generate Endless Email Ideas (value $197)
Stuck when it comes to writing email content?  This training will show you how to generate endless ideas!


Fill-In-The-Blank Email Templates (value $197)
Use this Fill-In-The-Blank templates to write your emails and your first sales/product promotion sequence.


Email Header Template (value $47)
Have you ever signed up for an email list, received their first email, and already forgetting who the heck they are?  This email header template will make sure your email subscribers never forget who you are or why you're in their inbox!


Create Your Automated Monthly Newsletter (value $97)
No more sending emails randomly or scrambling to check the box of a "monthly" email newsletter.  You're going to create an easy to follow system that keeps you consistent.


Copy & Paste Newsletter Template (value $97)
Download your Newsletter Automation and copy it into Active Campaign so you can start sending emails today!


Create Your Sales Sequence Automation (value $97)
Use this simple to follow system to send a sequence of emails that promote your offer and products.


Copy & Paste Sales Sequence Template (value $97)
Download your Sales Sequence and copy it into Active Campaign so you can start sending emails today!


Create Your Welcome Sequence Automation (value $97)
Follow the step by step system to sending emails to those who just joined your email list.


Copy & Paste Welcome Sequence Template (value $97)
Download your Welcome Sequence and copy it into Active Campaign so you can warm up your new subscriber and promote your offers and products right away!


Email Subject Line Swipe File (value $77)
Guarantee your subscribers open your emails with this subject line swipe file.
Fill-In-The-Blank Launch/Holiday Offer Email Sequence (value $97)
Use this fill-in-the-blank email sequence to promote your Holiday Offer/Sales or launch a new/existing offer you have to your email list.  This is a series of 6 Done-For-You emails that promote your offer/products/discounts.
Email Like a Boss is the ultimate three-step system for you, the busy entrepreneur who’s ready to automate their business without worrying about algorithms or going viral.
✉️  The 7 Steps To Building A Profitable Email List (value $297)
✉️  How To Write Binge Worthy Emails (value: $297)
✉️  The 4 MUST SEND Emails To Increase Your Profitability (value $297)

✉️ How To Create Your Automated Email System (value $247)
✉️ Step-By-Step: Writing Your First Email (value $197)
✉️ How To Generate Endless Email Ideas (value $197)
✉️ Fill-In-The-Blank Email Templates (value $197)
✉️ Email Header Template (value $47)
✉️ Create Your Automated Monthly Newsletter (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Newsletter Template (value $97)
✉️ Create Your Sales Sequence Automation (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Sales Sequence Template (value $97)
✉️ Create Your Welcome Sequence Automation (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Welcome Sequence Template (value $97)
✉️ Email Subject Line Swipe File (value $77)

Binged the entire course on my day off...
I purchased Email Like A Boss last week and on my first day off, I binged the entire thing!  It was so easy to follow and implement.  I had an email list that I ghosted because I didn't know what I was doing.  I'm happy to say, after converting to your systems, people are starting to open my emails again!
- Sarah: Artist-

EMAIL LIKE A BOSS is a special offer and the price will be going up soon. 

You don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity that will show you the secrets of how to grow and email list that doesn't rely on algorithms or going viral...
FYI: Email Like a Boss IS and ISN'T...

✔️ Step-By-Step Actionable Trainings
✔️ Automate your email marketing and sales systems.
✔️ Created for Entrepreneur, Creator, Influencers, Social Sellers, and NWMers.
✔️ Designed for people who have never started an email list before.
✔️And for people who have an existing email list.
✔️ Even those who hate writing.
✔️Strategically Created To Build Hype Around You And Your Business.


✖️ A boring course that drags on...
✖️ A bunch of "swipe files" you'll never use.
✖️ For those who don't care about creating systems in their business.
✖️ For those who believe email marketing is a thing of the past.
✖️For those who think if you say "join my email list", they will come.
✖️ Packed full of useless information that won't build your brand or business.


No other content you create or social platform you use has the potential to explode your business like Email Marketing.

And you don't need to worry about "beating the algorithm" when it comes to building your email list!

✉️  The 7 Steps To Building A Profitable Email List (value $297)
✉️  How To Write Binge Worthy Emails (value: $297)
✉️  The 4 MUST SEND Emails To Increase Your Profitability (value $297)

✉️ How To Create Your Automated Email System (value $247)
✉️ Step-By-Step: Writing Your First Email (value $197)
✉️ How To Generate Endless Email Ideas (value $197)
✉️ Fill-In-The-Blank Email Templates (value $197)
✉️ Email Header Template (value $47)
✉️ Create Your Automated Monthly Newsletter (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Newsletter Template (value $97)
✉️ Create Your Sales Sequence Automation (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Sales Sequence Template (value $97)
✉️ Create Your Welcome Sequence Automation (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Welcome Sequence Template (value $97)
✉️ Email Subject Line Swipe File (value $77)


Get All This EMAIL AUTOMATION Awesomeness TODAY Without...

...feeling overwhelmed learning how to automate your business and finally "algorithm proof" your business through email marketing.

"Who The Heck Is This Brittney Chick?"

👉I've been where you are, ultra busy entrepreneur juggling life, family, work, and a side hustle.

I've been an entrepreneur my whole life, selling key chains in elementary school to body jewelry in high school... but wasn't until I realized I couldn't live the lifestyle of a full time fitness trainer (4:30am clients to 9pm seven days a week) that I dived deep into my business and created a platform that teach others how to build their business using Instagram™.

👉I'm a no-fluff teacher that always under promises and over delivers.

My biggest strength is breaking down strategies into bite-size, actionable pieces.  Who has time to waste?  Not you and definitely not me.  That's why I create short, sweet, to the point trainings that you can take action on as soon as you finish.

👉I've helped my students gain tens of thousands of followers and build a consistent revenue stream all from Instagram™.

From cookie bakers, sticker makers, to real estate agents, to small business owners, to NWMers,  to creators, and everything in between...
If you’re ever wondering if I can truly help you and your unique business make money on Instagram™… 

The answer is, YES

The only question left is, are you ready to take that next step?

👉My students from all over the world say they work with me because I’m hard working, helpful, passionate, and giving.

I'm a huge fan of Brittney Batla...She explains everything with simplicity and I've learned so much in such a short amount of time.

Brittney does a fantastic job of breaking down the "How To" starting with the basics and slowly learning how to build effective content.


I'm an Instagram™ coach for entrepreneurs who are ready to ditch the social media overwhelm and start using the 'gram to build their business.

You can call me your Insta-Bestie because my passion is helping you grow your following on Instagram™, build the systems for a profitable business, and then turn followers into paying customers.

And guess what?!?!
I know what keeps people around and DMing me daily to tell me how much they love my content...

...is I that actually help you make sales from your 📱.

Because using social media to build you business and generate money is what we call time freedom.

Freedom to work whenever and where ever you want, and if you're like me, that means sitting on your couch in your husband's old sweatpants sipping coffee and cuddling with your dog while reading Harry Potter or watching The Office.

My favorite thing, hands down, is receiving messages from you when you've hit a big milestone in your business, gain followers, and started producing and income from your Instagram™ and Email List.

✉️  The 7 Steps To Building A Profitable Email List (value $297)
✉️  How To Write Binge Worthy Emails (value: $297)
✉️  The 4 MUST SEND Emails To Increase Your Profitability (value $297)

✉️ How To Create Your Automated Email System (value $247)
✉️ Step-By-Step: Writing Your First Email (value $197)
✉️ How To Generate Endless Email Ideas (value $197)
✉️ Fill-In-The-Blank Email Templates (value $197)
✉️ Email Header Template (value $47)
✉️ Create Your Automated Monthly Newsletter (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Newsletter Template (value $97)
✉️ Create Your Sales Sequence Automation (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Sales Sequence Template (value $97)
✉️ Create Your Welcome Sequence Automation (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Welcome Sequence Template (value $97)
✉️ Email Subject Line Swipe File (value $77)


Q: "What if I don't have an email list already?"  

A:  That's okay! Tons of business owners haven't started an email list yet!  Email like a Boss will walk you through everything you need to get started.

Q: "What if I have an email list already?"

A:  That's awesome! I'm so glad you already started the process of directing people to your email list.  I'll walk you through how to turn those people into paying customers through automation.

Q: "How long do I have access to the course?"

A:  With your one-time purchase you'll recieve lifetime access to EMAIL LIKE A BOSS and all it's updates.

Q: "What if I join and don't start right away?"

A:  Totally fine!  I know you're busy.  I do however recommend starting your email list sooner rather than later... because we all know how awful it was when the gram shut down on Oct 4th 2021.  Don't wait for another shut down to get started! (but remember you have lifetime access).

Q: "How fast can I expect to see results to my business?"

A:  It all depends on you.  I believe whenever you learn something new, that's a RESULT in your business, walking you towards your overall goal.  As far as when will you make your first sale from your email list, it could happen during your first sales sequence or 5th... but you won't know until you start!

Q: "How much time is required to write emails"

A:  In my personal experience, as you learn and practice writing, you'll get better and better.  Resulting in less time spent on writing and more time working on the important things in your business or taking much needed time off.  Email automation is meant to give you TIME BACK in your life.

Q: "What if I decide this isn’t for me?"

A:  Due to the digital nature of this product, we don't offer refunds. All sales are final. With that said, if you have any issues or questions, please send me an email at support@batlaglobal.com

Q: "What kind of support do I get if I get stuck?"

A:  You can always ask any questions you have by sending an email to support@batlaglobal.com

Q: "When do I get access to the mini-course?"

A:  INSTANTLY!  Upon checkout you'll be sent an email with you login information.  Once you create your account you are GOOD TO GO!


No other content you create or social platform you use has the potential to explode your business like Email Marketing.

And you don't need to worry about "beating the algorithm" when it comes to building your email list! 
So if you're going to do it... do it now.

✉️  The 7 Steps To Building A Profitable Email List (value $297)
✉️  How To Write Binge Worthy Emails (value: $297)
✉️  The 4 MUST SEND Emails To Increase Your Profitability (value $297)

✉️ How To Create Your Automated Email System (value $247)
✉️ Step-By-Step: Writing Your First Email (value $197)
✉️ How To Generate Endless Email Ideas (value $197)
✉️ Fill-In-The-Blank Email Templates (value $197)
✉️ Email Header Template (value $47)
✉️ Create Your Automated Monthly Newsletter (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Newsletter Template (value $97)
✉️ Create Your Sales Sequence Automation (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Sales Sequence Template (value $97)
✉️ Create Your Welcome Sequence Automation (value $97)
✉️ Copy & Paste Welcome Sequence Template (value $97)
✉️ Email Subject Line Swipe File (value $77)

I had no idea I could automate my emails like this...
The monthly newsletter automation BLEW MY MIND!  I had no idea how easy it was to stay consistent, send emails every week, without spending hours writing emails or sending them on the fly.  Thank you!  Email Like A Boss was worth the investment!.
- Mel: Creative-
You weren't kidding when you said we don't own our social accounts...
...I was one of those unfortunate accounts that got hacked and had to start completely over.  Thankfully my account was small but I still put in work and lost it all.  Thankfully I saw Email Like A Boss on your stories and had to snap it up..  In less than a month my email list is 2x the size of my social following.  All because I implemented exactly what you said.  THANK YOU!
- Casey: Influencer-
Waking up to payment notifications feels like a dream...
...who knew that an email list could get your sales while you sleep?  I didn't! I'm thankful that I started your newsletter automation because now I have payments coming in every day and I couldn't be happier!  
- Casey: Influencer-
© 2021 Brittney Lifts LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Contact: support@batlaglobal.com
This training is in no way affiliated or partnered with Instagram™  or Facebook™  or Facebook™, Inc.